?помощь?программ?Arial Sound Recorder вы сможет??легкость?записать ?формат?MP3, WMA ?WAV любы?звук??мелоди? воспроизводимы?чере?звуковую карт?ПК. Arial Sound Recorder предоставляет возможност?выбрат?устройство, ?которого буде?вестис?запись, используемые фильтр??битрей?конечных файлов. Программ?имее?расширенны?возможност?по визуализации процесса записи, предоставляет детальну?информацию ?создаваемы?файлах, ?такж?способна вест?записи, длительность которы?ограничено только возможностями операционной систем?
Arial Sound Recorder - Record sound from any source into MP3,WMA and WAV files.
Powerful functions: Arial Sound Recorder can record any signal played through your sound card into Mp3 WMA or WAV files.
Recording controls: You can select input device and set filter,make high quality output voice. Arial Sound Recorder also integrates the complete set of record volume control for your convenience.
Sample and Bitrate settings: Arial Sound Recorder supports Sample and Bitrte settings. To get higher quality recording, you can set the Sample rate, Mono or Stereo, and the Sample Bit, before recording. With its powerful sound engine, Recorder produces recordings with CD quality.
Visualization Recording: Arial Sound Recorder provides visualization image of the input sound.You can adjust the record volume and decide to pause or resume to record as you like.
File Information: You can view recording file information such as file size,play time,and so on;You can also edit Id3 tag information of the recording file.
Direct-To-Disk long time recording: Arial Sound Recorder can consecutively record for as long as your like without interrupt.
User-friendly interface,very easy to use.