Серебр?– эт?металл белого цвет? которы?по гибкости ?ковкости превосходи?золото, однако антикварно?серебр?/b> чернее?на воздух?по?воздействием сероводорода ?фосфор? присутствующих ?атмосфер? По этой причин?серебреный антиквариа?/i> нуждается ?особом уход? ?поро?уж? чистке, иногда серебр?покрываю?слое?позолоты.По своему назначению антикварно?серебр?/b> подразде?ют? на дв?основные категори? серебреные антикварны?/b> украшения ?серебреные антикварны?/span> предметы обиход?(?основном антикварно?столовое серебр?/b>). Столовые прибор??утварь из серебр?/i> не стольк?использовались ?утилитарны?це?? скольк?подчёркивали статус ?богатств?владельц??отличи?от прочих предмето?антиквариата, изделия из серебр?/b> снабжены клеймо? по которому почт?всегда возможно определить время ?мест?изготовлен?.
Jacob Weiss, Silver bowl. Vienna, 1837. Silver bowl with perforated wrought décor of vines. Perforated handles end with a ram's head.
James Wakely & Frank Clarke Wheeler, Silver pot. London, 1895. Silver pot with handle made of stained black wood stands on three legs with lion's head shape
Two silver pots, Italy, eighties of 19th century. Two silver pots for water and wine are richly decorated by floral décor.
Art nouveau pot and sugar bowl, Malmö, Sweden, 1912. Silver pot with decoration of art nouveau forms. Handle with two mother-of-pearl handles
Silver bowl, Northwest Europe, half of 19th century. Silver bowl made of connected silver leaves with motifs of vines. Handles are made in the shape of eagles.
Table piece, Austria, after 1850. Silver table piece with pressed décor of shells on the base with deep bowl of clear glass over rosalin glass with the bowl rim lappeted.
Salt bowl, France, first half of 19th century. Salt bowl in the shape of three snail shells
Figural bowl for salt and pepper, Vienna, 1840. Small figural bowl for salt and pepper with bell shape with handle in the shape of laurel wreath.
Bowl with floral shape, Austria, first half of 19th century. Silver bowl with two wrought handles with the décor of flowers and leaves
Plate with wrought decor, Central Europe, 18th-19th century. Silver plate is richly decorated by plastic wrought floral décor, mother-of-pearl and a view of allegorical view
Silver plate, Austria, 18th century. Silver oval-shaped plate decorated with deep beaten relief with flower décor and a picture of a battle with lion.
Sugar bowl, Austria, 18th century. Silver sugar bowl is decorated by plastic décor in rococo style.
Sugar tongs, Vienna, thirties of 19th century. Figural decorated sugar tongs with shells on the sides
Sugar tongs, Europe, 19th- 20th century. Silver mechanical tongs for sugar with the sides in the shape of wringing arms
Scissors for wick, Austria, thirties of 19th century. Silver decorative scissors decorated with floral motifs.
Scissors for wick, Austria, Vienna, 1821. Silver scissors decorated by engraved initials „CZ" under a crown.
Jacob Weiss, Silver money box. Vienna, 1840. Small silver money box of cylindrical shape with lid and rococo handle.
Brush and mirror, Austria-Hungary, second half of 19th century. Brush and a mirror decorated by plastic floral and scroll décor
Miniture vase, Ireland, about 1785. Miniature of two-handled vase with wavy rims around the neck decorated by beaten décor and scrolls and with two feminine figures on the sides
Seagull, France, 19th century. Silver seagull is made of detail wrought and engraved silver plate
Miniture, Austria, 18th-20th century. Oil on paper, framed in historical frame of 18th century made of brass.
Alph Giroux, Table clock. France, second half of 19th century. Small table clock made of gilded brass is made in historical style
AN ENGLISH SHEFFIELD PEWTER HOT WATER URN late 19th century, of Baroque revival form with stand. Together with a silver on copper butler's tray
Супниц? Охотничи?стил? Европа, серебр?800,
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