


 - e-mail



 LiveInternet.ru:   ??? title=
: 10.01.2013
? 24249
: 443
: 28025


?? :
(26), ? (686), ?/a>(72), ?/a>(25), (14), ? (11), ?(3000), ? - , (1751), :(213), ?, (991), (208), (12), (367), (328), (8), (23), (684), (4725), ?/a>(119), ?(751), (451), (32), , ?/a>(3560), (, ?(142), ?/a>(24), ??/a>(206), (51), (749), ???(4343), ???(818)
?/a> (0)

? ?

? 22 ? 2020 ? 20:02 + ?
? EFACHKA [??/a> + ? ?!]

? ?

? ?

???, ?? ? ?. ? ? ? ?????. ? ?? ?? ??? ?.


?/a> (0)

? ?... ?1

? 21 ? 2020 ? 20:54 + ?
? MerlettKA [??/a> + ? ?!]


?/a> (0)

?- ? "At the airport" / ??/b>

? 13 2020 ? 21:15 + ?
? justvitek [??/a> + ? ?!]

?- ? "At the airport" / ??/strong>

4208855_PJ9dutlsmG0 (607x700, 219Kb)

airport terminal - ,
to travel by air - ?br /> to board the plane - ?
to catch a plane - ?br /> to miss a plane - ?br /> to travel light - ?br /> adult’s fare - ?br /> child’s fare - ??br /> one-way ticket - ?? ?br /> round trip ticket (a return ticket) - ? ??br /> direct trip (a non-stop flight) - ?
destination - , ??
domestic flights - ?br /> international flights - ??br /> first class seat - ??
flight - ?
flight 727 – 727
the Moscow (New York, Boston) flight – (?, )
I.D. card (I.D. – identification) - ?
nonsmoking section - ? ??br /> smoking section - ? ??br /> boarding - ? ?br /> boarding pass - ?(?
check in - ?
check-in -
baggage check - ? (claim tag)
passport control -
landing - ?
take-off - ?br /> gift shop - ?br /> duty-free shop - ?
lounge - ??
departure lounge - ?
transit lounge - ?
arrival and departure board - ???
gate - , ?br /> runway - ??
waiting room /area - ??
customs -
immigration - ?
go through the customs (immigration) - ??? )
to fill out a form - ??br /> baggage claim area -
altitude - (???)
crash -
speed -
hijacking -
cabin - ?
cockpit - ?br /> fuselage / body - ??br /> undercarriage - ?br /> wing - ?br /> tail - ?br /> aisle -
window -
air hostess - (flight attendant)
navigator - ?br /> pilot - ?/div>

?/a> (0)

? ? ? !

? 02 2020 ? 22:39 + ?
? Miss_Internet [??/a> + ? ?!]

? ? ? !

003-00 (700x402, 126Kb)
? ? ? , ??? ?. ????? ?? ? ? ??

?? ?>>>


?/a> (0)

850 , ?

? 27 ? 2020 ? 22:31 + ?
? Veh07 [??/a> + ? ?!]

850 , ? .


?/a> (0)

: ? ? ?? ? ?/b>

? 12 2019 ? 22:26 + ?
? __?/a> [??/a> + ? ?!]

: ? ? ?? ? ?/strong>

002-44 (700x450, 47Kb)
- ? ???

? ? 95 ? ? , ? ? ?? ? ???? ??? ?, ? , ? ?, ? ? ? ?? ? .

? ? ? ???? ?, ? "" ? , ?? ??"?, ? ?, ????.

?? ? ??>>>

, ?- 50+

?/a> (0)

15 ????

? 22 ? 2019 ? 18:51 + ?
? Miss_Internet [??/a> + ? ?!]

15 ????

002-49 (700x455, 388Kb)
? ? . ? ? ???? ????? ????.

, ?????????? ?, ?? ?? ?? , ?? .

???? ?. ? ??? ? ? ?? ? ??, , ? ?? ? ?? ?, ???

Remember this >>>


?/a> (0)

?- ?/b>

? 28 2019 ? 20:34 + ?
? justvitek [??/a> + ? ?!]

?- ?/strong>

4208855_gADZiY2WBxQ (700x466, 126Kb)

a stack of pancakes - ?br /> bacon — e?['beɪk(ə)n]
bagel — e?(ce??ee e ec) ['beɪk(ə)n]
bun / roll — ?br /> butter — ce c [ˈbətər]
cereals — cee e c, e? ??? ['siəriəls]
cheese — c [ʧiːz]
cornflakes — e ? ['kɔːnfleɪks]
doughnut / donut — , e ?['dənʌt]
eggs — [eg]
eggs over easy — -?, e? c c?br /> fried eggs / eggs sunny side up — -?
graham — ? ?:['greiəm]
granola — c [grə'nəulə]
ham — e?[ham]
hash browns / hash brown potatoes — ee
jelly — e?[ˈjelē]
maple syrup — e?c (eec c )
muffin — (ee ece e c , ? ?.) [ˈməfən]
oatmeal — ce ? [ˈōtˌmēl]
omelet / omelette — e?['ɔmlət]
peanut butter — ce c
pumpernickel — ee (c?e?e)[ˈpəmpərˌnikəl]
sausage — ce, ccc ['sɔsiʤ]
scrambled eggs — -?
slice of bread — c e
slice of toast — c e, ce ?cee


?/a> (0)

?- ?/b>

? 17 2019 ? 21:15 + ?
? justvitek [??/a> + ? ?!]

?- ?/strong>

4208855_mwnw3LJrVE (700x700, 278Kb)


air / eə / -
atmosphere / ætməsfɪə / - ?br /> biosphere / baɪəsfɪə / -
blizzard / blɪzəd / - ?br /> bog / bɔg / -
clay / kleɪ / - ?br /> cloud / klaud / -
coast / kəust / - ?br /> downpour / daunpɔː / -
flooding / flʌdɪŋ / -
forest / fɔrɪst /- ?br /> greenhouse effect / griːnhaus ɪ'fekt / -
habitat / hæbɪtæt / - ??
hill / hɪl / -
humidity / hjuː'mɪdətɪ / - ?br /> hurricane / hʌrɪkən / -

- to pollute the air - ?br /> - Factories are polluting the air. ?

- to go up a hill - ?br /> We should go up a hill there and we will see a river in front of us. ??? ??? ??


?/a> (0)

? ?

? 05 2019 ? 23:24 + ?
? justvitek [??/a> + ? ?!]

? ?

4208855_i (640x452, 49Kb)


to get / have a good night's sleep — ??br />
to go to sleep — ?/span>

to induce sleep — ?br />
to lose sleep over smth. — ? ???

to walk in one's sleep — ?br />
She put her baby to sleep. — ??? ?

deep sleep; profound sleep; sound sleep — , ??br />
heavy sleep — ???(? ?)

fitful sleep — ??br />
light sleep — ? ?br />
restful sleep — ?br />
drugged sleep — ??? / ? ??br />
to sleep well — ?,

to sleep badly — ??

to sleep like a log — ??, ??

to sleep a troubled sleep — ?, ??

His bed has not been slept in. — ????

I sleep late at the weekends. — ?


?/a> (0)

?- ? : ?

? 13 ?2019 ? 23:46 + ?
? Viktoria_84 [??/a> + ? ?!]

?- ? : ?

5640974_travel (700x321, 165Kb)


, ? ?? Excuse me, can you help me, please? 
??. I am lost. / I have lost my way. 
?? ?? What is the name of this street? 
?? Where is the exit? 
? ?? Where is the entrance to the museum? 
? ? Where is the nearest subway station? 
? ? Where is the shopping center situated? 
?? ? How can I get to the railway station? 
? ? How can I get to the police station? 
?. We’re looking for the Hilton Hotel. 
? ? Is there a pub near here? 
? ? Is it far from here? 
?? Is it near? 
? ?? Can I walk there? 
? ? Are we going in the right direction? 
?. Go that way. 
? . Go straight ahead. 
? ? Go one block ahead. 
??? In that direction. 
?? Turn right. / Turn to the right. 
?. Turn left. / Turn to the left. 
? ??? ? Turn left at the second crossing and then ask again. 
? ? ? ??? Go along this street as far as the traffic-lights then turn right. 
? ?? It’s on this side of the street. 
? ?? It’s on the other side of the street. 
? . It’s on the middle of the block. 
????. It’s near the square. 
??. It’s across the bridge. 
? ? It’s inside the station. 
? . It’s beyond the traffic-lights 
???. It’s in front of the monument. 
??? ? It’s over there round the corner. 
?? ( ). You can’t miss it. 


?/a> (0)

?? ???

?? 26 ? 2019 ? 22:04 + ?
? __? [??/a> + ? ?!]

?? ???

3925073_ (142x43, 12Kb)

3925073_1 (700x354, 166Kb)

?? ???

? ?hellip; ??????

? ??? ? ?? ?? ? ? ? .

? ? ?? ? ? . , ? ?? ?? . ???

? ???. ?? ? ??? ???? ? ? ?? .


?/a> (0)

: ?/b>

? 20 2019 ? 21:57 + ?
? justvitek [??/a> + ? ?!]

: ?/strong>

, ? ? ?? ? ?(young), ??(middle-aged), ?(old). (freckles) ? ?(wrinkles). ?? ? (voice): (tuneful), ?(crisp) ??(cracked).  ? (smile). ? ??(sincere), (charming) ???(engaging) ? ?? , ? ?? (artificial), ? (forced) ?? (cunning). 

? , ? . ?? ?, ?agreeable (?), engaging (), winsome (?, stylish (), lovely-looking (), unique (), dapper (, – ?), awkward (?, ugly / ugly-looking (?, scruffy / untidy-looking (, ?). 

?? , ? ? ? 

be / look the very picture of one’s (mother…) –  
(as) pretty as a picture – ?nbsp;
appearances are deceptive – ??nbsp;
in the flower of life (one’s age) / in the prime of life – ? ?nbsp;
bear / carry off one’s age well – ??nbsp;
? , ? ? ? ?– Inner beauty is more important than a physical one.


?/a> (0)

123 ?? , ?? very

? 17 ? 2019 ? 22:31 + ?
? belorys_kh [??/a> + ? ?!]

123 ?? , ?? very

  The Global Language Monitor, ?nbsp;2018 ?nbsp; ? . ? ?? ?nbsp;?. ? , ??nbsp; ?


© Dustin Lee / unsplash


?/a> (0)

????- ??

? 28 ?2019 ? 00:04 + ?
? _ [??/a> + ? ?!]

????- ??

3256587_reklama3 (700x672, 108Kb)????- ??

? – ? ?????? ?? ??

3256587_onlainkyrs_Angliiskogo_yazika (700x330, 236Kb)


?/a> (0)

? ? ?/b>

? 28 ?2019 ? 23:30 + ?
? RUSSA_N [??/a> + ? ?!]

? ? ?/strong>


??  ?? src=

???nbsp; ? , ???16 ? ?12. ??????? ? ? : «?? ??hellip;» ?nbsp;«? ??hellip;».

?? ? ? ? 10 ??  . , ? ? ? (? ) ?. ? ??? ?


?/a> (0)

? ???/b>

? 24 ?2019 ? 13:41 + ?
? justvitek [??/a> + ? ?!]

? ???

4208855_7Zg5rx9sa9A (600x390, 84Kb)

1. Another day! — ? / ???! 

? ??? ?. , ? , ? ? ?? ????— , ? ? ?«? ? ?». 

2. Nose to the grindstone! — , ! 

? , «?? ? ?? 100%». ???, ?, ? ?????? 

Grindstone [ˈgraɪndstəʊn] — ??? , ??? ? ??«?? ?», ? ???? ??? ? 

3. How was your weekend? — ? ? 

? , ?, ? . ?????? ? 

4. Anything new going on? — ?? 

?? — ? ?? 

5. The boss is in a mood. — ?. 

C ? ? ?, ?? ??? ?. : ? ? “in a BAD mood”, ?“mood” ???? 

6. All work and no play! — ? ? ! 

? ? — , ? ????. : “Hey Jim, why not go out tonight, we’ve been working so hard — all work and no play!” — «, , ? ? ? ??— ? ? !» 

? — ? ??? “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” — «? ?? ????— ?». ?, . 

7. Better keep the head down today — ? ! 

? ?, ? - ? ?? the boss is in the mood. 

8. Thank heavens it’s Friday! / Thank God, it’s Friday! — ?, ? ?? 

???? ?? ? ??— ? : ?! 

?, ? ?? 
Thank God, it's Friday! 

9. You working the weekend? — ? ? 

?, ???, ? ? ? (? ?. 

10. Are you working hours in? — ? 

, ??? , ?, ? ? ? ? ?? ?. 

11. I’m tired — I got no sleep last night — ??? ? ? 


12. Had a few drinks so I’m flying under the radar! — ?, ?? ? ? ? 

? ?? ? ? ? ?, ?? ? ?? ? ?? ??… 

13. Can you cover me? — ??? 

??? ? ? ??? ? ? (? ?? ? ?to cover — . 

14. It’s so boring! — ? 

?? ?: ?. ???. ? ??? ? , ?? , ? "It’s so boring!" — ??? ? ?? 

15. Wish I had her job! — ? ! 

???, ?, ?? ? ? ? , ???.. 


16. We’re not paid enough! — ??! 

, ?? ? ?(? , ???), ?????? ?? ? ?, ?! 

17. That’s one job I wouldn’t do! — ? ?! 

?? ?, ? ??? ?. ? ? ?? , ?? 

18. That’s a cushy number! — ? 

? “cushy number” , ?. ???? ?? ?? ??, ?? “That’s a cushy number!” — « ? ?». Cushy — , ?. 

19. I don’t know how he got that job! — ?? ??? 

? ? ? ? ? ???? «???? ??» — . ??? ????? ???? ? ??? ?? ??

?/a> (0)

?- ?? ?

? 20 ?2019 ? 14:49 + ?
? justvitek [??/a> + ? ?!]

?- ?? ?.

?? ?. 
4208855_Wo8hMS7gSfY (700x700, 221Kb)

?? - Arresting attention 
1. - I say. 
2. . - Look here 
3. . - Excuse me. 
4.? ? - What can I do for you?. 

?- Thanks 
1. ? ???(???. - It was very kind of you to do it. 
2. ?? - Thank you very much. 
3. ?? , ? ??( , ?, ?. - Thank you for doing it (for coming, for telling). 
4. ? ? ?? - Thank you, anyway. 
5. ??. - Thank you in advance. 
6. He ??(3). - Don't mention it. 
7. He ? - Not at all. 
8. . - You are welcome. 

?- Apologies
4208855_12 (220x104, 10Kb)

?/a> (0)

? ??-?/b>

? 13 ?2019 ? 18:07 + ?
? _?/a> [??/a> + ? ?!]

? ??-?/strong>

? ??-?/h1>

?? ?? ??? ??, ?, ?? ???, ?.

? - ???.

, ? ? ? ? , ?«» ?? ?. ???? ? 70% ?



?/a> (0)

?- ?/b>

? 12 ?2019 ? 21:53 + ?
? justvitek [??/a> + ? ?!]

?- ?

4208855_5ZQwM42ekAE (511x340, 25Kb)

? ? ?- Hunny [ˈ] 
? - Babe [] 
? ? - Darling [ˈ] 
?(? - Sweetheart [ˈˌ] 
? ?, Sweety [ˈ] 
- Sweetums [] 
?- Sunshine [ˈ?#716;] 
?- My Love [] [] 
? - Dear [] 
?- Dearheart [] 
, ? ?- Cutie [] 
? ?- Bubbles [ˈc] 
, ?(?) - pumpkin [ˈ] 
, , - Sweetie Pie [ˈ] [] 
?(? - Snookums [] 
- pookie [] 
, - boo [] 
?, "?quot; - Muffin [ˈ] 
? ?() - lovebug [] 
? ?- Wifey [] 
? - Shorty [ˈ] 
, ? ?- upcake []


 : [4] 3 2 1